Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A reason not to buy the Apple watch

The most famous and least popular app in the future for the Apple Watch is something you don't want but will have anyway. Not that it will do you any good, to protest or otherwise because the app will do you no good, no good at all.
I'm talking about the iTruth, an app that will use the Apple watch's health features, like monitoring heart beat etc, etc, to see if you are telling the truth. Also known as the iTorture, the app will monitor your vitals and like old polygraphs of day by gone. Think of it, the Apple watch will tell you whether your significant other whether you are lying.
Should you buy it? Depends on who is wearing it.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Top 10 Trump voter excuses in 2020

Top 10 excuses Trump voters will give after America crashes and burn.

10. What problems? America is great again. Sorry, I'm off to pick up my pre-employement check.
9. I had to because all that Healthcare and Economy was choking us. 
8. I really believed that he respected women.
7. This is exactly what we expected for someone who isn't tainted with Washington political experience.
6. You didn't tell me Medicare and Medicaid was government healthcare.
5. I was so moved by Meliana's speech
4. I just voted for Republican.
3. He sounded so honest. At least he was honest.
2. I voted for Pence.
1. I'm an idiot. Why did you let me vote?

0. A lot more of you were supposed to vote for Clinton.